The APOLLO graphical user interface is a highly capable platform written in Python (by C. D. Hoyle) to interface with the Telescope User Interface (TUI: written by Russell Owen) and the APOLLO hardware control computer, called houston. The APOLLO GUI uses a Tk interface and employs Hippodraw to plot the real-time data gathered by the system.
On houston runs a multi-threaded C program called housctl (written by Eric Michelsen) that interfaces to the APOLLO hardware and provides a command interface for human control via command line or GUI connections.
Below is a screenshot of the the main tab of the APOLLO GUI. On this tab we can see:
Other tabs relate to:
An example of the graphical window is shown below. This is a moderate-strength run on the Apollo 11 reflector.
The plots, starting at upper left, depict:
This was not a particularly impressive run (poor atmospheric conditions), but it does show a signal return from the Apollo 15 reflector.
There are a few more plot windows that are not shown here, but this gets at the core. Others relate to a "stare" mode, wherein we point the telescope at a star or at the moon, and record the flux (as a function of time and of position on the detector array).