
Run a set of commands, one at a time. Each command runs to completion before the next command is executed. If any command fails, the script aborts. You may save your commands to a file and retrieve them again later.

The results of the commands do not show up in the Run_Commands window. If you can't see what you want in TCC's various displays then open the Log Window

Commands Format

Each line must be one of:

  • A command for an actor, in the form: actor command
  • A tui wait command: tui wait sec
  • A blank line (ignored)
  • A comment starting with # (ignored)


            # sample commands that are safe to run
            tcc show status
            tui wait 0.3
            tcc show time


  • The file bar cross the top
    • File Menu:: the usual Open, Save and Save As menu options.
    • Current file a field showing the name of the current file (if any).
  • Commands area: the commands to execute. The currently executing command is highlighted (and remains highlighted if the script aborts or is cancelled.)
  • The rest of the window shows the usual script status bars and controls.


Run_Commands provides a simple way of running a fixed set of commands. It is very easy to use, but also very limited. If you find yourself wanting more control or flexibility then I encourage you to write your own script.