
STUI:STUI Menu:Permissions Window

The Permissions window shows which observing programs can control which instruments. Your program name is shown with a leading asterisk. If your program name does not appear, ask a telescope operator to add you and grant you the appropriate permissions.

Telescope operators can also adjust permissions, add and delete programs and temporarily lock out non-operators from using particular instruments. The basics are as follows:

  • To add a new program, type the program name in the Add: box and press <return> (see Add for details).
  • To change permissions for a program, simply click on the appropriate checkbox. The change request is issued immediately (there is no Apply button).
  • To lock out an instrument, click on the appropriate checkbox (see Lockout for details).
  • Note that a checked button for Lockout means "access blocked", whereas a checked button for a program means "access granted". While any instrument is locked out, the Locked text is shown in the warning color.

In detail, the controls are as follows:

  • Add: to add a new program, type the program name in the Add: box and press <return>. The program name must consist of two letters (lowercase is fine) and two numbers. The program "APO" breaks this rule, but it always exists; you can neither add nor delete it. (The program TU02 is also special in that it cannot be added or deleted).
  • Purge removes all deleted programs. The only effect is visual; it doesn't even send a command to the hub.
  • Sort sorts the list by program name. Like the Purge button, the only effect is visual.
  • Lockout bars some users from any access to the specified device(s). A checked button means "access blocked". The APO and TU02 program can still get through, but other users of this hub cannot even send status commands.
  • Program Entry: the entry for each program consists of a program name button that allows one to delete the program (except APO and TU02, which cannot be deleted), followed by a set of checkboxes that control access:
    • Program Name Button: each program name button is a checkbutton: up (the normal state) means "added", down means "deleted". Press the button to change state. A deleted program has no permissions; the hub permission system doesn't even know it exists! Thus you will get "unknown program" warnings if a user from a deleted program tries to do anything.
    • The checkboxes permit access for the associated instrument or other device. Checked means "access granted". Toggle the checkbox to change state. These checkbuttons are disabled if the program is deleted.