Guider control
Before attempting to guide, please do the following:
New guide images are automtically downloaded whenever the guide window is open. If the Current/Hold button says Current then these newly downloaded files are automatically displayed.
Only the most recent 100 images are saved, and those are deleted when you quit STUI. However, guide images may be left on your disk if STUI is killed or quits unexpectedly. Please check your Save To directory once in awhile to make sure guide images are not accumulating.
This section describes the elements of the guide window, starting from the top.
Basic guide loop and guide camera exposure status.
Allows you to select an image from the image history or from disk.
Controls image appearance: intensity scaling, zoom, etc.
The middle area shows the annotated guide image.
For plate view annotations include position error vectors, guide probe numbers, a scale (for the position error vector) and a N/E axis.
Data about the image at the current cursor and the selected star (if any).
Controls to adjust the exposure time and enable or disable the various corrections.
Press Apply to apply new parameters (shown with a pink background) or Current to restore the parameters to the value currently used by the guider.
Shows the state of MaNGA dither (aka decenter), including whether it is enabled and the currently commanded dither position.
Enable or disable various corrections and show various aspects of measured corrections.
The corrections you may enable or disable are as follows, and a command is sent as soon as you check or uncheck a box:
The table shows the following values:
Note: the guider only auto-applies corrections it can compute; azimuth or altitude correction requires only one guide star centroid, but rotation, focus and scale require more.
Shows the guide probes that are available for the current cartridge and offers controls to enable or disable individual guide probes.
Each guide probe's number is followed by + or - if the probe is an above-focus or below-focus probe.
The status bar shows help for whatever control is under the mouse and also shows the state of the current or most recent command.