
Documentation for the scripts included with STUI.

  • Run_Commands: run a sequence of commands (the simplest kind of scripting).
    • Cart Change: take two darks
    • dither_clearing_script: STUI wrap for APOGEE dither_clearing_script.txt
    • Evening Cals: take an evening calibration sequence
    • Exposure Sequence: take a sequence of exposures at various dither positions
    • Morning Cals: take a morning calibration sequence
    • Timer: timer display
  • BOSS
    • Timer: timer display
  • Closing
    • Goto 5 MCP: send the telescope to 5 degrees altitude
    • Quick Close: send telescope to az=121, alt=30
  • Engineering
    • Test BOSS Collimation: exercise the collimation motors and report position error statistics
    • loopCommand: run some sequence of repeated commands
    • Pointing Data: Take a sequence of engineering camera images to generate a pointing model.
  • Observations
    • Dust Counter: log dust counts
    • Fiducial Monitor: log fiducial crossings
    • Log Function: a log of various interesting events
    • Log Support: gather information for the night log
    • Scale Monitor: log changes to plate scale
    • Spiral Pattern: spiral search for guide stars
    • Sticky Offset: allows saving, applying or clearing offsets
    • Telescope Controls: miscellaneous telescope and BOSS commands
  • Startup
    • APOGEE Short Dark: check APOGEE by taking a short APOGEE dark
    • Get Versions: list versions of most actors
    • Plugging: list plugged plates and check if plates duplicated
    • Status: show various bits of status from various actors
    • Test Actors: ping most actors; note that ? is shown until the actor responds to the request
  • Tutorial: scripts for the Scripting Tutorial