
3.5m Enclosure Controller Commands

The 3.5m enclosure controller operates lights, louvers, and other devices associated with the 3.5m telescope enclosure. The controller was designed and built by Charles Hull. This manual was written by Charles Hull and Russell Owen.


Commands marked with (optional) are not used by the TCC. They are generally included for use by engineers, or for symmetry with other controllers.


Hardware resets the controller. I'm not sure what it does to the devices themselves. See also INIT

device_type.OFF device_list

(there should be no space between the device type and .OFF) Turns the specified devices off, where:
  • device_type is the type of device
  • device_list is a set of integers (separted by spaces) indicating which devices to turn off; the exact meaning depends on device_type. If omitted, an error is reported.


turns off lights 1 and 3.

device_type.ON device_list

(there should be no space between the device type and .ON) Turns the specified devices on, where:
  • device_type is the type of device
  • device_list is a set of integers (separted by spaces) indicating which devices to turn on; the exact meaning depends on device_type. If omitted, an error is reported.


turns on lights 1 and 3.


Notifies the controller that subsequent commands apply to the telescope enclosure.


Initializes the controller. Turns off all devices or leaves them alone??? See also <BREAK>

SET.TIME date (optional)

Sets the internal clock. Time can be expressed in the normal format (decimal seconds in the day) or in the alternate format: hours minutes seconds (where hours and minutes are integers and seconds is decimal).

Note that the enclosure controller does not need to know the correct time to function properly.

See also TIME?


Returns the state of all devices. Each type of device has a separate state word whose bits indicate if each device is on or off (bit one for device 1, etc.). The words are returned in decimal so the TCC can read them easily. The device types are listed in the order: Enable, Fans, Heaters, Lights, Louvers, Shutters.

Sample output

1 0  0 165 255 136 OK


STATUS.LONG (optional)

Similar to "STATUS", but easier for a person to read. The entries are labelled and the device state words are shown in binary.

Sample output:

E Fan Heater Light    Louver   Shutter
1 000 000000 00000100 00000000 10001000 OK

See also STATUS

TIME? (optional)

Returns the current date. Sample output:
 3  5 89 65916.780

Warning: the clock may not be set properly, since it is not required for proper functioning.

See also SET.TIME

3.5m Enclosure Devices


Enable various devices:
1 power for enclosure rotation and enable axis motion (azimuth, altitude, instrument rotator, and guide camera positioner)


1 telescope venting
2 enclosure venting
3 enclosure pressurization

Please do not run ventilation and pressurization fans at the same time; they oppose each other.


Roof heaters for melting snow:
1 circuit 4
2 circuit 8
3 circuit 12
4 circuit 16
5 circuit 20
6 circuit 24


1 observing level front halides
2 observing level rear halides
3 observing level incandescents
4 secondary exchange platform incandescents
5 catwalk incandescents (outside, in front of the slit)
6 stairs incandescents (between intermediate and observing level)
7 intermediate level incandescents
8 intermediate level flourescents


Ventilation louvers in the observing chamber. "On" means open, "off" means closed.
1 lower-left
2 middle-left
3 upper-left
4 lower-right
5 middle-right
6 upper-right
7 stairs
8 right pit
9 left pit


The shutters seal the enclosure. "On" means open, "off" means closed.
1 is the left shutter
2 is the right shutter