
ARCTIC Commands

SET [bin=Int [,Int]] [window=begx, begy, width, height | full] [amps=LL | UL | UR | LR | Quad | Auto] [readoutRate=Slow | Medium | Fast] [filter=Int]

Configure settings for the camera and/or filter wheel.
Argument Detail:
bin::Specify 1 or 2 integers corresponding to column bin factor and row bin factor, respectively. If only one integer is supplied both bin factors are set equal to this value.
window::Specify either 'full' or 4 comma separated integers corresponding to binned pixels defining the window: start x, start y, width, height.
amps::Choose which amplifier to read from. Quad will simultaneously read from all 4. Note Quad readout mode is only valid for a full CCD window. Auto will default to Quad if the CCD window is full else LL.
readoutRate::Choose a readout rate.
filter::Set the filter wheel position. Specify an integer, 1-6 are valid.

EXPOSE **subcommand**

OBJECT time=Float [basename=String] [comment=String]

Take an Object exposure.
Argument Detail:
time::Exposure time.
basename::Specify a full path including name to where the image will be saved. If not supplied image will be auto-named and saved in ~/images/ on arctic-icc.
comment::IF SUPPLIED THIS ARGUMENT IS IGNORED! Comments are written via the arcticExpose actor. This is vistigial but necessary because the arcticExpose actor passes this argument along to the arcticICC!

FLAT time=Float [basename=String] [comment=String]

Take a Flat exposure
Argument Detail:
time::Exposure time.
basename::Specify a full path including name to where the image will be saved. If not supplied image will be auto-named and saved in ~/images/ on arctic-icc.
comment::IF SUPPLIED THIS ARGUMENT IS IGNORED! Comments are written via the arcticExpose actor. This is vistigial but necessary because the arcticExpose actor passes this argument along to the arcticICC!

DARK time=Float [basename=String] [comment=String]

Take a Dark.
Argument Detail:
time::Exposure time.
basename::Specify a full path including name to where the image will be saved. If not supplied image will be auto-named and saved in ~/images/ on arctic-icc.
comment::IF SUPPLIED THIS ARGUMENT IS IGNORED! Comments are written via the arcticExpose actor. This is vistigial but necessary because the arcticExpose actor passes this argument along to the arcticICC!

BIAS [basename=String] [comment=String]

Take a Bias.
Argument Detail:
basename::Specify a full path including name to where the image will be saved. If not supplied image will be auto-named and saved in ~/images/ on arctic-icc.
comment::IF SUPPLIED THIS ARGUMENT IS IGNORED! Comments are written via the arcticExpose actor. This is vistigial but necessary because the arcticExpose actor passes this argument along to the arcticICC!


Pause a currently active exposure.


Resume a paused exposure.


Stop a currently active exposure. Readout the data and save it.


Abort a currently active exposure. WARNING: Data is discarded.

HELP [Object | Flat | Dark | Bias | pause | resume | stop | abort]

print help for a command or the whole command set
Argument Detail:
UniqueMatch::If desired specify a specific command for which to receive help.

CAMERA status | initialize

Initialize the camera, or ask for status.
Argument Detail:
UniqueMatch::Pick either 'status' or 'initialize'.

FILTER **subcommand**


Query filter wheel for status.


Initialize the filter wheel. Automatically try to connect first if disconnected.


Connect to the filter wheel device.


Disconnect from the filter wheel device.


Home the filter wheel.

TALK RestOfLineString

Send raw text to the filter wheel device.
Argument Detail:
RestOfLineString::text to send to filter

HELP [status | initialize | connect | disconnect | home | talk]

print help for a command or the whole command set
Argument Detail:
UniqueMatch::If desired specify a specific command for which to receive help.


Initialize camera and filter wheel device. Attempt to connect first if disconnected.


Query camera and filter wheel device for status.


Connect all device(s).


Disconnect all device(s).


Show alive.

HELP [set | expose | camera | filter | initialize | status | connDev | disconnDev | ping]

print help for a command or the whole command set
Argument Detail:
UniqueMatch::If desired specify a specific command for which to receive help.