
Entering Sexagesimal Positions

Many entry fields permit sexagesimal entry (h:m:s.s or °:':"). You can easily spot such fields because the units label for an empty field will show hms or °'". Sexagesimal entry is flexible in that you can specify one to three fields, as you desire. As you enter enter data the units display will update to show you what is going on.

Position entry widgets assume that a single field is decimal hours or degrees (h.h or °.°) and two fields are hours (or degrees) and minutes (h:m.m or °:'.'). Entry rules are as follows:

  • You may specify one to three fields:
    • h:h (or °.°)
    • h:m.m (or °:'.')
    • h:m:s.s (or °:':".")
  • Type space, colon (:), semicolon (;) or keypad / to start a new field; a colon will be displayed.
  • As you enter additional fields the units label to the right will change to let you know what is going on.
  • The last field may include a decimal point, with as many digits after the decimal as you like.
  • All fields except the left-most must be less than 60.
  • The entry widget will either be in h:m:s or °:':", the units string will show you which. Some widgets will vary, for example the first axis of position depends on the coordinate system. However, you cannot toggle this yourself.

Here are some examples:

  • Type "450.201" to specify 450.201 degrees (or hours)
  • Type "450:12.06", "450 12.06" or "450=12.06" to specify 450:12.06, meaning 450 degrees 12.06 arcmin (i.e. 450.201 degrees)
  • Type "-450:12:3.6", etc. to specify -450 hours 12 arcmin 3.6 arcsec, i.e. 450.201 degrees.
  • The following is invalid because a field other than the left-most is greater or equal to 60: "4:7:60"

Note: sexagesimal offsets and durations are entered in the same fashion, but a single field is decimal arc-seconds or seconds ('.' or s.s) and two fields are (arc) minutes and seconds (':"." or m:s.s).

Entering Sexagesimal Offsets and Durations

Many entry fields permit sexagesimal entry (h:m:s.s or °:':"). You can easily spot such fields because the units label for an empty field will show hms or °'". Sexagesimal entry is flexible in that you can specify one to three fields, as you desire. As you enter enter data the units display will update to show you what is going on.

Offset and duration entry widgets assume that a single field is decimal arc-seconds or seconds ('.' or s.s) and two fields are (arc) minutes and seconds (':"." or m:s.s). Entry rules are as follows:

  • You may specify one to three fields.
  • The last field may include a decimal point, with as many digits after the decimal as you like.
  • You may specify one to three fields:
    • s.s (or '.')
    • m:s.s (or ":'.')
    • h:m:s.s (or °:':".")
    • In all cases the units label to the right will tell you what is going on.
  • Type space, colon (:), semicolon (;) or keypad / to start a new field; a colon will be displayed.
  • As you enter additional fields the units label to the right will change to let you know what is going on.
  • The last field may include a decimal point, with as many digits after the decimal as you like.
  • All fields except the left-most must be less than 60.
  • The entry widget will either be in h:m:s or °:':", the units string will show you which. Some widgets will vary, for example the first axis of position depends on the coordinate system. However, you cannot toggle this yourself.

Here are some examples:

  • Type "450.201" to specify 450.201 seconds
  • Type "7 30.2", "7:30.2" or "7=30.2" to specify 7:30.2, meaning 7 minutes, 30.2 seconds (i.e. 450.2 seconds)
  • Type "-1:5:2.36" to specify minus 1 hour, 5 minutes, 2.36 seconds
  • The following is invalid because a field other than the left-most is greater or equal to 60: "4:7:60"

Note: sexagesimal positions are entered in the same fashion, but a single field is decimal hours or degrees (h.h or °.°) and two fields are hours (or degrees) and minutes (h:m.m or °:'.').

TUI Keywords

This document describes the keywords TUI uses when issuing error messages. Such messages are rare (most messages come from instruments, tcc or hub), but there are a few cases where TUI must chime in. These include command timeout and command failure due to the user disconnecting from the hub.

Warning: for the sake of efficiency, TUI's messages are not sent through the keyword dispatcher, and thus cannot be sensed using keyword variables (RO.KeyVariable). If that becomes a problem, it can easily be changed.


A command has been aborted.

Actor and Cmd will also be supplied.

Actor = str

Specifies an actor. This never appears alone, but supplements other information (e.g. for Timeout).

Cmd = str

Specifies the command string for a command. This never appears alone, but supplements other information (e.g. for Timeout).


A keyword. This never appears alone, but supplements other information (e.g. for RefreshFailed).


A refresh command failed and has been disabled (to prevent the requestor from repeatedly issuing the command).

A refresh command is a command issued by a keyword variable to refresh its contents. The keyword variable automatically issues its refresh command whenever a connection is made or the data is invalidated. If the command does not provide the desired information, it is disabled to prevent the keyword variable from repeatedly asking for the information. This disablement persists until the user selects Refresh Display or quits and restarts TUI.

Actor and Keyword will also be supplied.


Explanatory text.


A command has timed out.

Actor and Cmd will also be supplied.