
The Status window shows the status of the telescope and (on unix and Windows) contains TUI's menus. This window cannot be closed. Items in the various menus are described here.

The top panel shows user-specified information about the current target and also the progress of slews:

  • Name: object name
  • Obj Pos1/2 (e.g. RA/Dec): net object position. including object and arc offsets.
  • CSys: coordinate system.
  • Rot: user-specified rotator angle and type of rotation.

The next panel shows certain offsets:

  • Object Arc Off: the current object arc offset.
  • Object Arc Off X,Y: the current object arc offset rotated to instrument xy coordinates (this may vary if the field rotates).
  • Bore X,Y: the current position of the boresight on the instrument.

The third panel shows miscellaneous information:

  • HA: hour angle of the object
  • LMST: local mean sidereal time at the observatory
  • UTC: coordinated universal time

  • State of guiding. Warning this summary may not be misleading if people are messing with more than one guider. When in doubt, examine the status in individual guide windows (in the Guide menu).
  • Airmass
  • ZD: zenith distance

  • Inst: name of current instrument.
  • Focus: user-specified focus offset for the secondary mirror
  • GC Focus: user-specified focus offset for the current guide camera (if any)

The penultimate panel shows the position and status of the various axes: azimuth, altitude and (if present) instrument rotator. For each axis:

  • Current Position: the current position as reported by the axis controllers.
  • Target Position: the target position (where the telescope should be after slewing to the object).
  • TCC Status: what the TCC thinks the axis is doing.
  • TCC Error Code: if the TCC has halted the axis, why it did so.
  • Axis Controller Status: state of axis controller; blank if OK. If the axis controller is reporting multiple problems (i.e. has set multiple bits set in its status word) then only the most important condition is reported.

The bottom panel shows brief help. Use the Help item in the contextual menu of a control for more detailed help.