In addition a Guide Monitor window shows strip charts of FWHM, focus, guide correction and guide star brightness. Note that guide star brightness will jump if you choose a new guide star.
Most of these guiders are similar and the common elements are described below. However, the Agile Guider is very different; see its manual page for information.
Please read the Guiding User's Guide to familiarize yourself with the basics. In addition, the guide windows have some convenient shortcuts that may not be obvious.
In addition the Guide menu includes two strip chart monitors:
Before attempting to guide, please do the following:
New guide images are automtically downloaded whenever the appropriate guide window is open. If the Current/Hold button says Current then these newly downloaded files are automatically displayed.
Only the most recent 100 images are saved, and those are deleted when you quit TUI. However, guide images may be left on your disk if TUI is killed or quits unexpectedly. Please check your Save To directory once in awhile to make sure guide images are not accumulating.
This section describes the elements of the guide window.
Allows you to select an image from the image history or from disk.
Controls image appearance: intensity scaling, zoom, etc.
The middle area shows the annotated guide image. Annotations include color highlights showing saturated and masked pixels (see Sat button and Mask button above) and:
Data about the image at the current cursor and the selected star (if any).
Exposure time, bin factor, guide mode, etc. are all controlled here. If you change a value then the control's background goes pink to indicate the value has been modified. The guide loop will use the new values if you press Apply (at the bottom) or used for one exposure if you press Expose. To restore the values to their current defaults, press Current button.
This row (if present) contains controls specific to the current guide camera. See the TUI documentation specific to that guide camera for more information.
The row just above the status bar shows the current state of guiding.
The status bar shows help for whatever control is under the mouse and also shows the state of the current or most recent command.