The TCC broadcasts UDP packets containing position information. These packets are broadcast 1/second (even if the axes are halted). Remember that UDP is not a reliable protocol, so integrity of the packets cannot be guaranteed.
The broadcast port depends on the telescope. As of 2007-09-04 these ports are:
The format of version 2.3 (major.minor) packets is as follows:
Each packet contains two components: a header, followed immediately by data.
"padded int4" means the data is contained in the first 4 bytes and the last 4 bytes are padding for data alignment. The padding bytes will probably be 0 but please do not rely on that.
"pos, vel double" is position, velocity as a pair of double precision numbers. Position is in degrees, velocity in deg/sec, and the time is given by the TAIDate field.
"pos, vel, time double" is position, velocity and time as three double precision numbers. Position is in degrees, velocity in deg/sec and time is TAI (MJD, seconds).
Rotation type codes are as follows (as defined in tinc:axedef.for). The corresponding names are described in TCC Commands: Rotate.
Axis commanded state codes are as follows. This corresponds to TCC Message Keyword AxisCmdState, but with integer values (as defined in tcc include file basics.h) instead of strings.
Axis commanded state codes are as follows. This corresponds to TCC Message Keyword AxisErrCode, but with integer values (as defined in tcc include file basics.h) instead of strings.
Added AxisErrCode, ActMount and AxisStatusWord fields.
Added reference to tcc35m-1-p and made minor tweaks to the text.
Added AxisCmdState field.
Added SecFocus field.
New packet format.