
SpecMech Software Installation

How to compile and install new software for specMech: the Spectrograph Mechanical Controller.


  1. Setup the Gateway 2000 Liberty laptop.
  2. Connect the RS-232 <-> RS-485 converter to the laptop. Find the black cable with a DB-25 on one end and a short and long DB-9 cable extending from it. The long DB-9 cable, marked "PC" connects to the RS-232 port on the back of the laptop.
  3. Turn off and open the spectrograph mechanical controller. Remove the specMech EPROM and install the "LD DYNAMIC C 2.60" EPROM in its place. Be sure that pin 1 is correctly oriented and the two rows of pins next to pin 1 are empty.
  4. Connect the multi-colored ribbon cable to the RS-232 <-> RS-485 DB-9 jack. Connect the other end of the cable to the DB-9 on the front panel of the spectrograph mechanical controller.
  5. Plug in the power supply for the RS-232 <-> RS-485 convertor.
  6. Double click on the "DCW" icon on the desktop of the PC. If all is functioning properly, the target microprocessor should initialize, leaving you with a blank work space.
  7. Open the specMech.c source file. Choose the toolbar option "File" and the menu item "Open". The working directory for specMech is located in D:\work\specMech. There is a shortcut to the directory on the desktop. You should place all specMech files there, whether they are copied sdsshost <-> laptop via ftp or floppy disk.
  8. Check the compiler options. Choose the tool bar option "Options" and the menu item "Compiler". Set it to look like this:
  9. Check the memory options. Choose the tool bar option "Options" and the menu item "Memory". Set it to look like this:
  10. To create a programmer file, choose the toolbar option "Compile" and the menu item "Compile to file".
  11. To test the code, choose the toolbar option "Run" and the menu item "Run".
  12. To exit the program, choose the toolbar option "File" and the menu item "Exit".


  1. If the floppy drive is connected, disconnect it and connect the Pocket Programmer to the parallel port on the back of the laptop.
  2. Plug in the power supply to the programmer and then into the AC outlet.
  3. Place a 27C512 EPROM in the programmer as shown on the top of the programmer.
  4. Copy the file "specMech.bin" created above in the working directory to "C:\".
  5. Either double click on the "Pocket Programmer" icon on the desktop of the PC or open a DOS window and run "C:\PocketProgrammer\eprom". If all is functioning properly, you will get a menu of possible EPROMs to use.
  6. Select item (12 - 27C512 (12.5V) 64K X 8).
  7. Make sure the EPROM is blank by selecting (1 - (B)lank Eprom Check) from the menu.
  8. Load the "specMech.bin" file by selecting (14 - (L)oad Buffer from Disk) from the menu. The "Path name" is "\".
  9. Program the EPROM by selecting (2 - (P)rogram Eprom from Buffer) from the menu. Depress the "Shift" key while programming.
  10. Verify that the EPROM was correctly written by selecting (3 - (V)erify Eprom to Buffer) from the menu.
  11. Remove the EPROM and repeat steps 7 through 10 as needed.
  12. Exit the program by selecting ( 0 - Quit) from the menu.
  13. Label the written EPROM(s) with "specMech", the date and the tagged version.

Version 1.1 July 17, 2002, Jon Brinkmann