
2.5-m telescope imaging optical design

Sloan Digital Sky Survey Telescope Technical Note 19960410
Jim Gunn



         DSS focal plane analysis, file kent003.dat  Wed Apr 10 09:22:27 1996 
        Changed nominal astrometric filter thickness from 6.0 to 5.7 mm, in 
        accordance with as-manufactured parts

Optical design

        kent003.dat: 2.25/5 rc, 50mm total corr+f, 8mm bf, zero distor
        Indices for lambda=4760 Angstroms
        Pupil Radius=1250.000  Central Obsc. Radius=625.000  Source at infinity
         s          c        s        n          a2          a4         a6           k
         1 -8.889e-005     0.00 -1.00028  0.000e+000  0.000e+000  3.81e-022 -1.285e+000
         2 -1.390e-004 -3646.14  1.00028  0.000e+000  0.000e+000  1.79e-019 -1.197e+001
         3  0.000e+000  3621.59  1.46376  2.321e-005 -1.173e-010 -7.87e-017  0.000e+000
         4  0.000e+000    12.00  1.00028  0.000e+000  0.000e+000  0.00e+000  0.000e+000
         5  0.000e+000   714.00  1.46376 -2.732e-004  2.056e-009 -5.81e-015  0.000e+000
         6  0.000e+000    45.00  1.52266  0.000e+000  0.000e+000  0.00e+000  0.000e+000
         7  0.000e+000     2.00  1.46376  0.000e+000  0.000e+000  0.00e+000  0.000e+000
         8  0.000e+000     3.00  1.00028  0.000e+000  0.000e+000  0.00e+000  0.000e+000
         9  0.000e+000     8.00  1.00028  0.000e+000  0.000e+000  0.00e+000  0.000e+000
        Surface 1 has 8th order asphere, a8= -1.518e-029
        Surface 3 has 8th order asphere, a8=  1.592e-022
        Surface 5 has 8th order asphere, a8=  1.746e-020
        Surface 9 is the nominal focal surface; the filter has been split into two
        parts, 2mm and 3mm, to accomodate the new u' filters which are 2mm of glass
        and 3mm of quartz. Mechanical summaries are at the end, with best fit foci
        and tilts.
        Tr:  0.00'    4760A  fb=-0.361 h=   -0.000 eps,z=0.018 0.018
        Tr: 30.00'    4760A  fb=-0.088 h= -108.452 eps,z=0.015 0.015
        Tr: 45.00'    4760A  fb= 0.052 h= -162.685 eps,z=0.013 0.013
        Tr: 60.00'    4760A  fb=-0.084 h= -216.913 eps,z=0.010 0.010
        Tr: 70.00'    4760A  fb=-0.458 h= -253.069 eps,z=0.011 0.011
        Tr: 73.00'    4760A  fb=-0.632 h= -263.918 eps,z=0.011 0.011
        Tr: 82.00'    4760A  fb=-1.380 h= -296.474 eps,z=0.015 0.015
        Tr: 90.00'    4760A  fb=-2.399 h= -325.431 eps,z=0.021 0.021
        Tr:  0.00'    3540A  fb=-0.322 h=   -0.000 eps,z=0.017 0.017
        Tr: 30.00'    3540A  fb= 0.031 h= -108.435 eps,z=0.014 0.014
        Tr: 45.00'    3540A  fb= 0.267 h= -162.666 eps,z=0.013 0.013
        Tr: 60.00'    3540A  fb= 0.260 h= -216.895 eps,z=0.019 0.019
        Tr: 70.00'    3540A  fb=-0.014 h= -253.053 eps,z=0.027 0.027
        Tr: 73.00'    3540A  fb=-0.156 h= -263.902 eps,z=0.030 0.030
        Tr: 82.00'    3540A  fb=-0.803 h= -296.461 eps,z=0.037 0.037
        Tr: 90.00'    3540A  fb=-1.731 h= -325.417 eps,z=0.043 0.043
        Tr:  0.00'    6280A  fb=-0.384 h=   -0.000 eps,z=0.018 0.018
        Tr: 30.00'    6280A  fb=-0.154 h= -108.461 eps,z=0.017 0.017
        Tr: 45.00'    6280A  fb=-0.065 h= -162.695 eps,z=0.017 0.017
        Tr: 60.00'    6280A  fb=-0.268 h= -216.922 eps,z=0.019 0.019
        Tr: 70.00'    6280A  fb=-0.696 h= -253.077 eps,z=0.022 0.022
        Tr: 73.00'    6280A  fb=-0.887 h= -263.925 eps,z=0.023 0.023
        Tr: 82.00'    6280A  fb=-1.687 h= -296.481 eps,z=0.029 0.029
        Tr: 90.00'    6280A  fb=-2.756 h= -325.438 eps,z=0.037 0.037
        Tr:  0.00'    7690A  fb=-0.396 h=   -0.000 eps,z=0.018 0.018
        Tr: 30.00'    7690A  fb=-0.187 h= -108.465 eps,z=0.018 0.018
        Tr: 45.00'    7690A  fb=-0.124 h= -162.700 eps,z=0.020 0.020
        Tr: 60.00'    7690A  fb=-0.361 h= -216.927 eps,z=0.024 0.024
        Tr: 70.00'    7690A  fb=-0.815 h= -253.081 eps,z=0.029 0.029
        Tr: 73.00'    7690A  fb=-1.015 h= -263.929 eps,z=0.031 0.031
        Tr: 82.00'    7690A  fb=-1.841 h= -296.485 eps,z=0.038 0.038
        Tr: 90.00'    7690A  fb=-2.934 h= -325.442 eps,z=0.048 0.048
        Tr:  0.00'    9250A  fb=-0.405 h=   -0.000 eps,z=0.018 0.018
        Tr: 30.00'    9250A  fb=-0.212 h= -108.468 eps,z=0.019 0.019
        Tr: 45.00'    9250A  fb=-0.168 h= -162.704 eps,z=0.022 0.022
        Tr: 60.00'    9250A  fb=-0.431 h= -216.931 eps,z=0.028 0.028
        Tr: 70.00'    9250A  fb=-0.905 h= -253.084 eps,z=0.034 0.034
        Tr: 73.00'    9250A  fb=-1.111 h= -263.932 eps,z=0.036 0.036
        Tr: 82.00'    9250A  fb=-1.957 h= -296.488 eps,z=0.045 0.045
        Tr: 90.00'    9250A  fb=-3.069 h= -325.444 eps,z=0.057 0.057

Average focus for all colors at each radius

  0.00'  4760A f= -0.374  h=   -0.000 s= 0.000 D= 0.013 e=0.018
         30.00'  4760A f= -0.122  h= -108.451 s= 0.252 D= 0.034 e=0.016
         45.00'  4760A f= -0.008  h= -162.682 s= 0.366 D= 0.059 e=0.016
         60.00'  4760A f= -0.177  h= -216.908 s= 0.197 D= 0.093 e=0.018
         70.00'  4760A f= -0.577  h= -253.062 s=-0.204 D= 0.119 e=0.022
         73.00'  4760A f= -0.760  h= -263.911 s=-0.386 D= 0.128 e=0.023
         82.00'  4760A f= -1.534  h= -296.467 s=-1.160 D= 0.154 e=0.029
         90.00'  4760A f= -2.578  h= -325.424 s=-2.204 D= 0.178 e=0.035
          0.00'  3540A f= -0.374 dh=    0.000 s= 0.000 D= 0.052 e=0.019
         30.00'  3540A f= -0.122 dh=    0.022 s= 0.252 D= 0.153 e=0.028
         45.00'  3540A f= -0.008 dh=    0.030 s= 0.366 D= 0.275 e=0.046
         60.00'  3540A f= -0.177 dh=    0.037 s= 0.197 D= 0.437 e=0.072
         70.00'  3540A f= -0.577 dh=    0.040 s=-0.204 D= 0.564 e=0.094
         73.00'  3540A f= -0.760 dh=    0.041 s=-0.386 D= 0.604 e=0.101
         82.00'  3540A f= -1.534 dh=    0.041 s=-1.160 D= 0.731 e=0.123
         90.00'  3540A f= -2.578 dh=    0.039 s=-2.204 D= 0.847 e=0.142
          0.00'  6280A f= -0.374 dh=   -0.000 s= 0.000 D=-0.010 e=0.018
         30.00'  6280A f= -0.122 dh=   -0.011 s= 0.252 D=-0.032 e=0.018
         45.00'  6280A f= -0.008 dh=   -0.016 s= 0.366 D=-0.057 e=0.019
         60.00'  6280A f= -0.177 dh=   -0.020 s= 0.197 D=-0.092 e=0.024
         70.00'  6280A f= -0.577 dh=   -0.021 s=-0.204 D=-0.118 e=0.029
         73.00'  6280A f= -0.760 dh=   -0.021 s=-0.386 D=-0.127 e=0.031
         82.00'  6280A f= -1.534 dh=   -0.022 s=-1.160 D=-0.154 e=0.038
         90.00'  6280A f= -2.578 dh=   -0.021 s=-2.204 D=-0.178 e=0.047
          0.00'  7690A f= -0.374 dh=    0.000 s= 0.000 D=-0.022 e=0.018
         30.00'  7690A f= -0.122 dh=   -0.017 s= 0.252 D=-0.065 e=0.021
         45.00'  7690A f= -0.008 dh=   -0.024 s= 0.366 D=-0.116 e=0.027
         60.00'  7690A f= -0.177 dh=   -0.030 s= 0.197 D=-0.184 e=0.038
         70.00'  7690A f= -0.577 dh=   -0.032 s=-0.204 D=-0.238 e=0.048
         73.00'  7690A f= -0.760 dh=   -0.032 s=-0.386 D=-0.254 e=0.051
         82.00'  7690A f= -1.534 dh=   -0.033 s=-1.160 D=-0.308 e=0.062
         90.00'  7690A f= -2.578 dh=   -0.031 s=-2.204 D=-0.356 e=0.075
          0.00'  9250A f= -0.374 dh=   -0.000 s= 0.000 D=-0.032 e=0.019 et=0.018
         30.00'  9250A f= -0.122 dh=   -0.021 s= 0.252 D=-0.090 e=0.024 et=0.039
         45.00'  9250A f= -0.008 dh=   -0.030 s= 0.366 D=-0.160 e=0.034 et=0.055
         60.00'  9250A f= -0.177 dh=   -0.037 s= 0.197 D=-0.254 e=0.049 et=0.072
         70.00'  9250A f= -0.577 dh=   -0.040 s=-0.204 D=-0.327 e=0.063 et=0.084
         73.00'  9250A f= -0.760 dh=   -0.040 s=-0.386 D=-0.351 e=0.067 et=0.087
         82.00'  9250A f= -1.534 dh=   -0.041 s=-1.160 D=-0.424 e=0.081 et=0.097
         90.00'  9250A f= -2.578 dh=   -0.039 s=-2.204 D=-0.491 e=0.097 et=0.106
        Focal surface, lam=  4760: scale=-3.61519 mean ex pup at -5259.9
          ang      foc     ffit       ht      htfit    lindev      yp     dyp
             0   -0.361   -0.356    -0.000     0.000   -0.000  -0.0000 -0.0000
            30   -0.088   -0.096  -108.452  -108.452    0.005  -0.0383 -0.0419
            45    0.052    0.048  -162.685  -162.683    0.003  -0.0504 -0.0514
            60   -0.084   -0.076  -216.913  -216.914    0.009  -0.0554 -0.0489
            70   -0.458   -0.454  -253.069  -253.070    0.012  -0.0542 -0.0394
            73   -0.632   -0.632  -263.918  -263.918    0.011  -0.0531 -0.0351
            82   -1.380   -1.389  -296.474  -296.472   -0.001  -0.0472 -0.0183
            90   -2.399   -2.394  -325.431  -325.432   -0.027  -0.0380  0.0029
        Coefficients for fitting polynomials in ht
        Focal surface (0,2,4,8): -3.555e-001  2.754e-005 -4.725e-010  2.877e-016 
        Exit Dir Cos  (1,3,5,7):  3.923e-004 -3.470e-009  1.479e-014 -6.221e-020 
        Plate Dir Cos (1,3,5,7):  4.474e-004 -5.360e-009  1.651e-014 -6.221e-020 


Detailed tables of image quality and astrometric fitting errors with the 
        following formats are available.
        Best-focus composite images for field nn
         n       x        y      foc   eps   epsm longerr laterr
        Images in focal plane, field nn
         n      xin       yin        q        r    foc       xi      eta    Drms  dfoc
        TDI images for field nn, center    0.000  219.992 filter  SDSS  r filter
        ASTROMETRIC FITTING ERRORS, order = 1, x,y= 1.4  0.8 microns
        ASTROMETRIC FITTING ERRORS, order = 3, x,y= 0.0  0.0 microns


kent003 model with field flatteners, and curved P & A 94/07/07
        Zernike ord=5  (24 rays)  Scan scale=  -3.6343 Av V scl=  -3.6346
          fld    x      y      size   fil ffc3 ccd4   vscale dfoc dc4 emin emax
           1   45.5    0.0  49.2x49.2  u  1.32  4.3  -3.6311   3  0.2   17   40
           2  136.5    0.0  49.2x49.2  u  1.32  4.3  -3.6326  10 -0.5   19   29
           3  227.5    0.0  49.2x49.2  u  1.32  4.3  -3.6329  30 -1.5   30   41
           4   45.5   65.0  49.2x49.2  i  1.40  4.3  -3.6350   4  0.2   18   21
           5  136.5   65.0  49.2x49.2  i  1.40  4.3  -3.6353  13 -0.4   20   24
           6  227.5   65.0  49.2x49.2  i  1.40  4.3  -3.6339  30 -1.3   25   35
           7   45.5  -65.0  49.2x49.2  z  1.40  4.3  -3.6350   4  0.1   18   21
           8  136.5  -65.0  49.2x49.2  z  1.40  4.3  -3.6351  13 -0.5   20   26
           9  227.5  -65.0  49.2x49.2  z  1.50  4.3  -3.6348  26 -1.1   28   39
          10   45.5  130.0  49.2x49.2  r  1.30  4.3  -3.6342  12 -0.5   18   19
          11  136.5  130.0  49.2x49.2  r  1.30  4.3  -3.6338  25 -1.0   20   23
          12  227.5  130.0  49.2x49.2  r  1.50  4.3  -3.6348  37 -1.4   27   32
          13   45.5 -130.0  49.2x49.2  g  1.30  4.3  -3.6347  11 -0.4   19   21
          14  136.5 -130.0  49.2x49.2  g  1.30  4.3  -3.6344  24 -0.9   21   23
          15  227.5 -130.0  49.2x49.2  g  1.40  4.3  -3.6345  40 -1.6   27   32
          16   45.5  204.5  49.2x9.6   r  1.50  4.3  -3.6357   2 -0.1   19   21
          17  136.5  204.5  49.2x9.6   r  1.50  4.3  -3.6353  10 -0.8   22   26
          18  227.5  204.5  49.2x9.6   r  1.80  4.3  -3.6365  20 -1.4   30   40
          19    0.0  220.0  49.2x9.6   r  1.50  4.3  -3.6356   1 -0.0   20   21
          20   91.0  220.0  49.2x9.6   r  1.50  4.3  -3.6354   6 -0.4   21   24
          21  182.0  220.0  49.2x9.6   r  1.60  4.3  -3.6358  17 -1.2   26   33
          22    0.0  235.5  49.2x9.6   r  1.50  4.3  -3.6355   2 -0.2   22   23


kent003 model with field flatteners, and curved P & A 94/07/07
        Astrometric error fitting order = 3 
          fld    x      y    mnfoc    xtlt     ytlt     dx1   dy1     dx     dy
        Filthk=  5.00
           1   45.5    0.0   7.799   0.0028  -0.0000    1.6   0.0   0.00   0.00 
           2  136.5    0.0   8.204   0.0036  -0.0000    1.8   0.0   0.00   0.00 
           3  227.5    0.0   8.224  -0.0070  -0.0000    1.3   0.0   0.01   0.00 
           4   45.5   65.0   7.863   0.0012   0.0017    1.3   0.0   0.01   0.00 
           5  136.5   65.0   7.990  -0.0008  -0.0004    1.2   0.0   0.00   0.01 
           6  227.5   65.0   7.507  -0.0135  -0.0039    1.5   0.4   0.01   0.00 
           7   45.5  -65.0   7.843   0.0011  -0.0015    1.3   0.0   0.01   0.00 
           8  136.5  -65.0   7.948  -0.0011   0.0005    1.2   0.0   0.01   0.00 
           9  227.5  -65.0   7.436  -0.0141   0.0040    2.0   0.3   0.00   0.00 
          10   45.5  130.0   8.022   0.0002   0.0007    1.0   0.1   0.00   0.01 
          11  136.5  130.0   7.980  -0.0032  -0.0031    1.0   0.2   0.01   0.01 
          12  227.5  130.0   7.228  -0.0174  -0.0099    2.6   0.6   0.01   0.01 
          13   45.5 -130.0   8.120   0.0006  -0.0016    1.0   0.1   0.01   0.01 
          14  136.5 -130.0   8.137  -0.0023   0.0022    1.0   0.2   0.00   0.00 
          15  227.5 -130.0   7.480  -0.0159   0.0091    1.9   0.7   0.00   0.01 
        Filthk=  5.70
          16   45.5  204.5   7.446  -0.0017  -0.0075    1.5   0.7   0.00   0.00 
          17  136.5  204.5   7.059  -0.0086  -0.0128    2.2   0.1   0.01   0.00 
          18  227.5  204.5   5.632  -0.0265  -0.0239    6.4   0.1   0.00   0.01 
          19    0.0  220.0   7.366   0.0000  -0.0098    1.4   0.8   0.00   0.02 
          20   91.0  220.0   7.169  -0.0052  -0.0125    1.8   0.5   0.00   0.00 
          21  182.0  220.0   6.256  -0.0175  -0.0212    3.9   0.1   0.02   0.01 
          22    0.0  235.5   7.205  -0.0000  -0.0131    1.4   0.8   0.00   0.02 
        This calculation took  25.3 seconds

Date created: 4/10/96
        Last modified: 6/24/96