
ARC 3.5m | Guider match scripts

Basic description

On Obs3 there are a set of scripts that can be run from the institutional accounts that will match up the times various guider/slitviewer images to your science images and create a log of each science frame with the nearest guide image and the range of guide frames if a range exists.

These scripts are called:





If you have your science data in /export/images/Q1UW01/UT110509/disdata/. The arguments to these scripts are your program ID [ex: Q1UW01], the UTdate of your observation in the form YYMMDD [ex: 110509] and if you have placed your data in a subdirectory [ex: disdata]:

dcam_match Q1UW01 110509 disdata

If you forget the arguments, just type the name of the program and it will query you for the information.

For a more detailed description see below


Adam Kowalski and Bill Ketzeback have a set of programs running on obs3.apo.nmsu.edu for matching up science exposures with corresponding slitviewer (or guider) images.

To run one of the programs, you must first log into your institutional account on obs3 and in the home directory (or a subdirectory) type the appropriate program associated with the guider/slitviewer used when you observed your program:

DIS Slitviewerdcam_matchUSERID UTdate [subdirectory]
Echelle Slitviewerecam_matchUSERID UTdate [subdirectory]
TSpec Slitviewertcam_matchUSERID UTdate [subdirectory]
NA2 Guidergcam_matchUSERID UTdate [subdirectory]

Executing the program (example: dcam_match) with no arguments will prompt for the program id (example: Q1PU04) and the ut date of the observations (in the form YYMMDD, example 110327).

The programs all output a unique log file with information in the title (example: dcam_match_110327_Q1PU04.out).

The contents of the file contains a header explaining each of the columns. The following is an example output for a recent program.

                        # UT110327, number of science files = 11
                        # Column 1: Science file (only IMAGETYP=object are included)
                        # Column 2: Nearest slitviewer image
                        # Column 3: MJD (hours) for the midtime of the science file
                        # Column 4: Midtime of science image - midtime of nearest
                                               slitviewer image (seconds)
                        # Column 5: Range of slitviewer images that have midtimes
                                               within the exposure of the science image
                        dvb.0001r.fits  d0058.fits  7.8607   15.22  d0042.fits - d0075.fits
                        dvb.0002r.fits  d0094.fits  8.2656    9.94  d0086.fits - d0102.fits
                        dvb.0003r.fits  d0121.fits  8.4737   -0.56  d0120.fits - d0122.fits
                        dvb.0004r.fits  d0146.fits  8.7376  -14.58  d0129.fits - d0162.fits
                        dvb.0005r.fits  d0186.fits  9.2046   -0.71  d0170.fits - d0202.fits
                        dvb.0006r.fits  d0215.fits  9.5523   14.51  d0207.fits - d0223.fits
                        dvb.0007r.fits  d0247.fits  10.0089   9.18  d0230.fits - d0264.fits
                        dvb.0008r.fits  d0302.fits  10.5684 -17.61  d0293.fits - d0310.fits
                        dvb.0009r.fits  d0322.fits  10.8101  13.25  d0314.fits - d0330.fits
                        dvb.0010r.fits  d0340.fits  11.1214 -36.44  None
                        dvb.0011r.fits  d0341.fits  11.1598  54.43  None

For more experienced users, the user id and ut date can be entered on the command line, examples include:

                        dcam_match Q1PU04 110327
                        ecam_match Q1PU03 110122
                        ecam_match Q2APO  110406 echelle
                        tcam_match Q2APO  110406 tspec
                        tcam_match Q1UW09 110215
                        gcam_match Q1UV01 110127